✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
In the morning, while I was saying my Morning Prayers, including the Angelus and Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the little Boy Jesus suddenly appeared accompanied by the angels. He was about seven to eight years old.
He said, “I come to you so that you can help dress Me.”
Surprised, suddenly I noticed He was wearing denim jeans. I have never seen Him wear them before.
I said, “You are wearing denim jeans?”
He said, “Yes! I have to wear something similar to what children today wear because I Am going to visit children in the schools.”
He was holding a little jacket in His Hands. He said, “Help Me to put this jacket on, but you have to mend it for Me before you put it on.”
“Before you dress Me, you have to mend it for Me because there are many loose stitches, and I want you to pick them up and mend them for Me.”
Suddenly, in my hand appeared a knitting needle. I noticed the loose stitches were on the right shoulder side. I started picking at the stitches that were loose and mending them.
I said to the Little Jesus, “Well, that will take me a long time. I can’t do it that quickly.”
He said, “Don’t forget to pick every stitch up because they are all loose. I really need you to unite them to My jacket. I worry for My children now because they are all loose.”
“The stitches represent the children who are all away from God. They do not have any faith. Their parents do not teach them. The schools do not teach them. So I want you to unite them to my jacket so that I can protect them and save them. Pray for them so that I can save them.”
When I took the jacket in my hands, I noticed the collar was of many different colours. I saw a dark green piece of woollen fabric attached to the back of the collar.
Different colours on our Lord’s jacket represent the children with different beliefs. Most have no religion.
His jacket represents His Almighty Protection.
Jesus comes as a little Boy because he represents the little children.
By dressing Him up, we raise His glory.
Thank you Lord Jesus for protecting all the children in the world.