✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
It was a mysterious thing that happened to me today. Recently, my friend asked me to pray for her son. So I prayed and offered a petition to our Lord Jesus Christ for what she asked.
Afterwards, our Lord gave me a message, and I wanted to share this with the mother.
So I decided to call her to speak to her. As I dialled the number, to my surprise, I heard a gentleman’s voice answer the phone, not the mother’s, which I expected would answer.
I asked him, “Hello, can I speak to your mother?”
He answered, “My mother is dead. She has been dead for a long time—for many years.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said to the gentleman.
He said, “Usually, I don’t answer the phone because there are too many phone scams, but you sound like a nice lady, so I can speak to you for a few minutes.”
I said, “Oh, I’m so sorry about your mum that she passed away. I will pray for her.”
Then I asked him, “Do you pray for your mum?”
He said, “No, not really! I don’t believe in God. I don’t believe in anything.”
“Why not?” I asked. “God can give you such a peace.”
Anyway, I sensed from his voice that he wasn’t very happy, so I said, “Can you tell me the name of your mum? I will pray for her.”
“Never mind,” He said. Then he hung up the phone. He refused to give me her name.
I knew right away that this was a mysterious call, that there was something I had to do, and that our Lord permitted it to happen.
After the call, I went to my kitchen and said, “Lord Jesus, the gentleman that I rang by mistake—I don’t know his name, and I’m very sorry that his mum is not there anymore and that she died. I will offer them both to you, and from now on, I will pray for them—for him to be converted, and for the mother, for her soul. Maybe she doesn’t receive many prayers.”
The following day, when I was saying my early morning prayers, a lady appeared to me—a simple and very nice lady, and she said to me, “Valentina, thank you for talking to my son. It was not a mistake that you rang him. It was directly permitted by God that you talk to Him because here I am—I am standing still and not moving, and I don’t receive any prayers from my family at all. Nobody prays for me. So our Lord directed you to my son, to talk to him and for him to tell you about me. He permitted it to happen.”
“I am so grateful for that, and I really thank you. So please help me,” pleaded the lady.
I immediately said, “Lord, I will offer up the Holy Mass for her, and from now on, she will be in my prayers.”
I prayed to our Lord, “May she rest in peace and may she go to Heaven for Christmas.”
That was a mysterious experience. Like our Lord always says, “Nothing is by chance.”
There is always a reason. Even when I dialed the number, probably one digit was incorrect, but our Lord is the one who permitted it to happen. The lady has been waiting in the same place in Purgatory for a long time, not moving at all as she received no prayers.
Our Lord used me in such an unusual way. I said, “Oh my God, you are full of surprises.”
Comment: It is very sad when people bury their loved ones, and they don’t believe in God. Even if they do believe, they just ignore them, not acknowledging that their loved ones need prayers to elevate them to God and to ask for pardon and mercy and forgiveness so they can go to Heaven. Many people think that their mother, father, brother, sister or whoever has passed away doesn’t need any prayers and they assume the person goes straight to Heaven. It doesn’t work that way. We have to pray for the souls and help them to lead them to God.