✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Today, during the Holy Mass, Lord Jesus appeared. He said, “Offer Me all the souls, for you have no idea how anxiously they wait to come to Me. Valentina, be very grateful that you help the souls. They benefit through your help and your reward will be great.”
I said, “Oh no, Lord, I am not looking for that. I am happy to help even if I suffer.”
Lord Jesus said, “Right now, as I Am looking down on earth and seeing what is happening, My Sacred Heart is suffering. I Am in tears, looking at humanity, running and rushing as though it is the end of the world. They only worry for material goods, entertainment and other things, but their souls are completely dry, like a leaf falling from a tree and crumbling. I cannot force them if they don’t want to come to Me, and that pains My Heart so deeply that I Am in tears watching all of this.”
“How sad I Am, especially now around Christmas, when it should be the humblest and the most joyous time to prepare your way, spiritually, to receive Me as I come as a Saviour to save you all.”
“But don’t let all that worry you. For now, it is My Coming that I Am to be born here on earth, but the real coming is that I Am preparing the New Era of Peace, which is ever so near. My Second Coming is ever so close. I will make all new and peaceful, and it will be beautiful as never before.”
I said, “Oh Lord, I’m looking forward to that. It is the most beautiful news.”
He said, “But of course, in the meantime, you still have to go through suffering and the persecution of My churches. But always have faith and trust in Me.”
“Pray for sinners. Pray for their conversion and tell them to repent. Repentance is the most important—it is the keyword. Give people hope, but tell them to convert, to come to God.”
“Be at peace. Things are bound to happen, and they have to happen before the Era of Peace comes. Events must unfold. Be courageous, keep praying, and keep moving forward with My help. Stay close to Me.”
I said to myself, “Oh, I wish it could come now, and we can slide into the New Era.”
“Be patient a little longer,” He answered.