✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This morning, while I was praying, the Angel came and took me to Purgatory. I saw a man very poorly dressed in raggedy brown clothing with a cap on his head, walking along a road.
I stood there with the Angel, observing this man to see where he would go. He went in front of one of the houses and sat on a little bench next to another person. I kept watching him.
I said, “That must be his friend.”
The man kept going to the same little bench, sit there and then goes on the road and walks again. He kept repeating this same action.
Suddenly, the Angel took me to him and said, “You have to talk to him.”
I don’t know if this person was a priest or a lay person. I was a bit fearful of this little man, but I did as the Angel asked.
As I approached him, I asked him, “Are you looking for somebody? Do you need help?”
He replied, “This is a grace given to me today. Today, my salvation came when you came and asked me. Lady, do you know how long I have been walking this road? For centuries! Up and down, up and down. And nobody ever asked me if I needed help.”
“People were passing by, but everybody ignored me.”
“Because they don’t see you,” I said.
He said, “But you come as my salvation. You don’t know how blessed I am.”
I asked him, “But are you sorry that you offended our Lord while you were alive? It must be a great offence you committed to have to be in Purgatory for so long.”
He said, “I am very, very sorry, and I really regret it, and I am really, really grateful to go to God.”
I made the Sign of the Cross over this man and said, “May you enjoy peace in Heaven in the presence of our Lord—that He is so merciful and kind to you, to forgive you everything.”
I asked our Lord, “How did I do that?”
He replied, “Because I give you the power to do that.”
I offered both men at Holy Mass and asked our Lord to be merciful to them.