✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This morning, the Angel appeared and said, “Come with me to witness how many people you helped save.”
Suddenly, I found myself with the Angel in front of a building in the presence of thousands and thousands of people—all races singing in all languages. Their singing voices produced the most beautiful melodies.
As I looked down, I saw I was dressed in a most beautiful white dress with a hint of pale blue. The dress fell right down to the ground, and I could see my bare feet as I wore no shoes. I felt so good and so lovely. I thought to myself, ‘I never had this dress before.’
The souls said to me, “Come with us.”
I then found myself moving around them, and as I did so, they turned their gaze towards me, and I waved to them. I was so joyous, running and running around these souls, listening to their singing.
These singing souls were thanking and praising God for the country of their birth—they were singing in every language. Some of the languages I recognised were French, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Slovenian, and many more.
As I continued moving around them, I saw them entering the building, thousands of men and women singing together, praising God.
Suddenly, when I returned to where the Angel stood, the singing stopped, and the souls vanished. I asked the Angel, “Where did they go?”
The Angel replied, “They moved into the building. Now they are accepted into Heaven.”
These souls were singing and praising God for bringing them into His Holy presence—they were singing on their way to Heaven. Never before have I heard souls thanking our Lord God for the nations where they were born.
When I came home, I meditated on the beautiful singing I had just heard. We should all give thanks to God for the nation of our birth.