You are Now Living the Last Page of the Holy Scripture

By Valentina Papagna

June 26, 2024

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You are Now Living the Last Page of the Holy Scripture

This morning, while I was praying my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus came.

He said, “Go to Mass! There are not many more available. They will abolish the Holy Mass soon, and it will be very bad after that.”

“Then they will introduce microchips to people. In everything, there will be much suffering, trouble and confusion in the world.”

“But it will all be of short duration. I will make sure that My people will not lose hope. I shall intervene with all My power.”

“Learn from the animals—when this starts happening, the animals will start gathering together. They will sense that things are not good in the world.”

“What is prophesied has to come to fulfilment. You are now living the last page of the Holy Scripture. Tell people not to be fearful. Tell them to pray and repent, and I will lead you to a New Era of Peace, that has never been before—an Era of wonders and beauty. There is something to look forward to.”

In a vision, I could see, sitting upon what looked like a long board many different kinds of animals, mainly smaller animals. I saw marsupials, such as smaller kangaroos and little possums. I saw farm animals such as sheep and many domestic animals such as cats and dogs. There were all kinds of animals sitting in a long line, all together.  Our Lord showed me the animals because they are obedient to Him. They will be confused and not at ease because they know something is coming to the world.

Looking at the beautiful animals, I said to our Lord, “Oh, how cute they are.”

He said, “Learn from the animals. They obey Me more than humans.”