✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
In a vision, I saw bodies of dead people lying on the road due to disasters. Many people will die in the coming catastrophes and possible wars.
Our Lord Jesus said, “Don’t look! Be strong. Just pass them by because these things have to happen. I will make you very strong, and you will follow Me, and I will guide you, and you will go through all that. This has to come.” Our Lord was referring to the coming disasters and the many deaths.
Sydney recently experienced very severe storms, during which I became very fearful.
Our Lord Jesus said, “Now Valentina, You? You afraid of the storm? You are afraid of this? Nothing will harm you. I Am with you all the time. We are working together in this.”
Our Lord wants me to be strong for what is coming to the world because if I go right down, then I can’t give encouragement to other people. Also, the devil makes you powerless.
Our Lord said, “Do you realise that the devil is now at his most powerful? He is very aggressive. You must keep strong in prayer and united in Me and tell people to do the same.”
Our Lord said, “This peace treaty (between Israel and Hamas) is very fragile.”
He also told me that it is very bad in America. America has to be lifted up with God so that He will give them power again. However, many are opposed to that. He said there shouldn’t be division in the government— they should be all one and working together.
He said, “I should be among them to guide them. Why have Democrats and Republicans—this shouldn’t be in any country. It should be all one government, all working together to do what is best for the world.”
My friend said to me that the devil wants a one-world government. In my heart, our Lord immediately responded to this comment, “But what he will get is another thing!”
When our Lord comes on earth, everybody will be so happy, praising Him and thanking Him that they will never be able to thank Him enough, but, of course, only through the Purification.
He said, “Now, I am purifying the nations, one by one. Some already received a severe judgement, and hopefully, that will wake them up. I command My Angels and tell them what to do.”
“They blew their Trumpet over Sydney, Australia, and the wind came, and it was a terrible wind and storm, and destruction came. People think it is a natural disaster weatherwise, but it is not. I Am purifying the world. You must remember that this city of Sydney, and Australia in general, offends Me very much. You should be grateful that I purify the world. Hopefully, people will listen, change and convert.”
Usually, people say they will rebuild again. They will rebuild, but not without God.