✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
My dear Mother passed away on Christmas Day many years ago. I always offer Holy Masses for the repose of her soul, and I pray for her. This year, while praying my Morning Prayers, a very saintly lady appeared—very young and beautiful. At first, I thought it was Blessed Mother, but this lady looked different. She wore a white gown and a beautiful pale pink scarf loosely wrapped around her head.
Smiling, she said, “Valentina, our Lord Jesus sent me to take you with me today. Come, you have to come and look at something beautiful.”
Suddenly, we found ourselves before what looked like a little Chapel or a little room in a building. We both entered the room, and there were a few people inside. On the side was a relatively high wooden stand on which sat the most beautiful arrangement of flowers.
The lady said, “I want you to see this beautiful arrangement of flowers. It was given to you to see by our Lord Jesus for your Mum’s anniversary because your Mum died on a very special day, Christmas Day. This year, she received a reward from our Lord Jesus.”
I gazed at the flowers and said, “Oh, this is beautiful. I have never seen anything like that, such unusual flowers, so beautifully made.”
“Are you happy for your Mum?” asked the saintly lady.
I replied, “Yes, I am very happy, and I thank the Lord for them.”
She said, “And not because our Lord gave her the flowers, but because she is also your Mother because you are a Prophet.”
Our Lord recognised her as my Mother, and I was happy for the flowers. They were very unusual flowers—white and soft pale pink but something you don’t see here on earth. They had two beautiful stems on either side that reached high and tied together at the top. Along the stems were beautiful pink and white flowers.
The saintly lady kept asking me whether I was happy and if I liked the flowers.
I said, “They are beautiful, but they should be given to our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother because it is for them very special.”
She said, “Yes, but this is for your Mother—this year, our Lord rewarded her with this arrangement of flowers.”
These flowers were for my Mother, but I was invited to have a look at them to see if I liked them.