✞ Voluntary sin upsets the humors of the soul.
During the Holy Mass, our Lord spoke to me about how greatly offended He is by the Sydney Mardi Gras Festival celebrated last night.
He said, “Do you think that I Am very pleased for a city or nation that permits such filth to be paraded through a city? It does not please Me.”
“I Am God of mercy and forgiveness, but I do not like such horrible things performed in public, the way they move, the way they act and expose themselves. Do you think I Am going to bless the city for that? No!”
“And people are praying that I would punish these people. I don’t do that, but the city of Sydney will have its own judgement very soon. Right now, it is so polluted from the sin of that filth that I would like priests to make a procession, bless the streets with prayers and incense, and ask God to be merciful. The sin of the evil that passed through the city remains there.”
During the distribution of Holy Communion, our Lord said, “So many offend Me because the truth of repentance is not spoken of in the church. You saw My Agony when I sacrificed Myself during the Mass. I Am willing to do it over and over again. It will be a pleasure to do it, but the sin of sacrilege I receive during the distribution of Holy Communion so offends Me.”
“First, Communion in the hand is so sacrilegious that nobody should touch Me. Then, people come to receive Me with mortal sin, and some they never Confess. Imagine My Body goes into that soul—you don’t know the Agony I suffer. Oh, how I suffer! Speak to My Bishops and Priests and explain to them that I Am not happy about that. They need to tell people to repent and to go to Confession.”
After Holy Mass, I went to pray in the Chapel before the Statue of Our Lady Help of Christians. Blessed Mother said, “My Son is so offended by the sin committed in the city of Sydney, and the world is watching and supporting this (the Mardi Gras). Oh, how that offends my Son!”
“The thick black smoke of sin is reaching right up to Heaven, reaching the Majesty of the Throne of God. Console my Son, He is so gravely offended.”