✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
The Infant Jesus, True Life
If you respond to my invitation it means that you have understood what "salvation" means.
My little children, I love you and I will not allow any evil to be done to you. It is true that the times are not the best, but the devil will not win; of course he is making a lot of confusion, but do you know why? Because he has understood that these are the final tricks for him.
My children, do not be afraid, do not allow him to enter into your hearts, entrust me with your families, your priests, your politicians, because the evil spirit is very cunning and presents evil to you as if it were good.
The Holy Nativity is over, but many of my children have celebrated something quite different. I look at you from the manger, but those who observe me are truly few. I want to tell you this because each of you has the power to see me and hear me.
May my Word never be lacking in your homes; without my word you would remain in total ignorance. I suggest to you everything that you need in order to be able to live as Christians. If you do not follow Christ how can you call yourselves Christians?
Follow me, little children, in these last and difficult times; I will restore you. Fear not, you, daughter of Zion, accept my teachings and see to it that they become Daily Bread for all the souls that I continue to put on your path.
It is difficult, I know, very difficult, but in the end my children will understand that Salvation is only in Me. I know that you [singular] suffered much a few days ago, but I was with you. Know that you should not expect to recover but when you do, you [plural] will be close to Me, your return will become a true oasis of peace.
I want you all with me, therefore I ask you to offer me the suffering that is consuming you. I love you very much, I will give you eternal life, and for those who will believe until the end, I will reserve sweet and tender surprises.
I am here with you, my poverty is complete in that manger; your wealth will begin once you understand that your God is a God of love. I am watching you: give me your hearts, I will fill them with eternal life.
The Infant Jesus, True Life