✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
The following messages have been translated by my friend Peter. (Thanks again my friend!!! Shocking how many languages can you translate.) Instead of me giving your a discription of this visionary, I'm gonna share with you what my friend told me about this visionary since he can explain this visionary far better than I can:
"I have been studying another set of current locutions that look very solid to me: the messages to Valeria Copponi in Rome. I discovered these over a year ago via the Italian Medjugorje Bolzano website that has one of the widest overviews of contemporary prophecy and apparitions internationally, classifying its sources from 1 to 5 stars (which is helpful, although I don't always agree with their classifications;))). According to the introduction on her website www.gesu-maria.net, Valeria's locutions began fifteen years ago, but she only came out of anonymity recently when she felt it was time to 'assume her responsibility' and when the late Fr Gabriele Amorth authorized the release of her material. He is someone whose judgment as the world's best-known exorcist I tend to take very seriously, which is one of the main reasons that I have now started translating Valeria Copponi's recent messages (everything she has received since 2001 is now on-line, but only in Italian), of which I am attaching those received between September and November 2016. To me they appear both very consistent theologically and coherent with the more general picture from other messengers across the world. As with the Haced lo que El os diga locutions, the focus is primarily pedagogical rather than predictive, which IMHO is a good thing, as my sense is that disseminating sources like this can help to counteract the tendency of many people to consult prophetic websites as if they were 'sanctified horoscopes'!! "
You can learn more about this see at http://www.gesu-maria.net/ and I'll be creating a page on my site specifically for his messages soon.
As always, please pray for discernment before reading any messages.
September 7, 2016
Mary, Most Tender Mother
May the light that the stars in my crown emanate enlighten your hearts.
Little children, you have very great need of the light that comes from above. You are living in a world of darkness, and your spirit is in terrible suffering.
Lift up your eyes to heaven and with a heart full of love, praise God so that he may not decide, too soon, to make justice on your whole planet. You are blind led by the blind, you can only fumble your way along. Ask for help from highest heaven if you want to recover your sight.
You do not realize that time passes inexorably, no one can decide about their own life. My Son was offered for you; take advantage of his kindness, be converted to His Word, open your hearts and let the true Light enter that enlightens the depths.
I love you, I would make of you true soldiers of Christ; commit to fighting against the eternal enemy, sharpen your weapon, use it as much as possible with the certainty that it will lead to final victory.
May each of you be an example to your own brothers, remembering that actions speak louder than a thousand words, be bearers of peace, forgetting the bad actions received, and you will be victors on all fronts.
The days to come depend on you, they can be favorable or less so, depending on the strength that you can put into intercessory prayer before the Most High.
Man, taking the place that is not his, is destroying his future and that of his brothers and sisters; I beseech you, see to it that your politicians and all those directing your countries allow their hearts to be moulded so as to be able to rule in the name of the true Master of heaven and earth.
I bless you, little flock, obey only the voice of the True Shepherd.
Mary, Most Tender Mother
September 14, 2016
Mary Mother of the Eucharist
Little children, I bring you My Son, do not fear for everything that is reaching your ears, but fear for what reaches your hearts. Never allow what is "devious" to enter your thoughts, your innermost being, your life.
I bring you My Son and give him to you through the priest. Approach the Eucharistic Table, nourish yourselves with of the Body of Jesus alive and true, abandon everything that is human and enrich your spirit with the Bread that feeds eternally.
You know well that if the soul in you goes without eating, you will die. Yes, little children, there is no life without Christ, the One whom the Father has sent for the salvation of all humanity.
The head of the ancient serpent will soon be crushed by my immaculate [nature]. I am the woman that he fears absolutely and therefore you must never be afraid because of everything that is being said in these times.
I am your Mother and if you love My Son more than yourselves I will sustain and defend you in your every step. May the Eucharist never be lacking in your days, and you will be filled with all the true joy that even Satan, with his temptations, can ever take from you.
If your evangelize your brothers and sisters, first with the "word" and then leading them to the Holy Table, you will be blessed by God. Listen to my advice, nobody can give you better and more appropriate advice than I can.
Stay close to your priests with daily prayer, ask for them true respect for their vocation. With the consecrated you will be safe from many uncertainties and confusions. I am never missing from their celebrations; do as I do, always participate in the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass.
Through the Eucharist you are blessed.
Mary Mother of the Eucharist.
September 21, 2016
Mary Queen of Angels
My little children, peace be with you, all your guardian angels are rejoicing beside you. Pray to your angels in these times as never before, you need their help. They never tire of giving you advice and guidance on how and where to go in order to walk a Christian path.
It is they who will suggest how to praise, love, hear the Word of the Gospel. Pay attention during prayer not to be distracted.
I always remind you how the prayer of the heart is the most profitable; from the heart alone comes love, from the heart alone are feelings born, from the heart alone come true acts of charity.
Ask for the help of your angels when you lose concentration in prayer. They love to adore my Son and know no distractions.
The way that leads to Jesus is sown with the weeds scattered by the devil to make you fall into temptation, but do not worry about falling, your angels are with you to support you and to help you to get up again.
I your Mother am with you, your guardians form my crown as in heaven, so on earth. It is true that the rebellious angels are numerous and cunning, but if you invoke your guardian angels, they will not be able to do anything against you.
Be astute, talk and ask for advice before taking action, you will find that all your concerns will fade so as to give way to peace of heart. Often my children forget the presence of the guardian angels by their side, therefore I am here today to remind you of their presence.
Entrust them with your thoughts, your doubts, your uncertainty; you will find that you can always count on their assistance.
I bless you, my children, treasure my advice and you will be safer and more serene in carrying out your duties. May my blessing be with you and with your loved ones.
Mary Queen of Angels
September 28, 2016
Mary, Loving Mother
My little children, peace to you and to the whole world. I am here to lead you to My Son, but it depends on your response: if you answer "yes", then I will instruct you.
The days go by and you do not decide to change your habits. I understand you are going through a stormy period, to say the least, and it is not easy to understand what you should or should not do, but it is precisely for this reason that I your Mother am always present to give you good suggestions.
Little children, I advise you from the bottom of my sorrowful heart not to judge; judgment is not for you, but I recommend that you be merciful to all - help your brothers and sisters who are in darkness, but help them delicately, with love, with much patience, otherwise your words will be in vain.
Love is what builds every human relationship, always approach my most unhappy children gently, and then you will see good results. Jesus teaches from high on the cross; be aware that without his help, without his guidance, without making use of his example, you will never succeed in your intentions.
Pray more; in the morning turn your gaze to heaven and begin your days with the sign of the Cross. It is not easy to face all the evil that surrounds you, but for this arm yourselves with the one weapon that will conquer the world.
Console the many afflicted who suffer because they are misunderstood and wronged; bring peace to every corner of your land, help your priests who are increasingly weak in temptations, and educate your children, from an early age, in prayer, in small sacrifices, in love for their companions who are less fortunate because their families were broken and separated due to family misunderstandings.
Seek to unite, the other [side] incites you to ever greater separation, be strong in love and you will be victorious. May the love and peace of my Son guide you to eternal joy.
I love you, little children, be obedient.
Mary, Loving Mother
October 5, 2016
Jesus Christ, He who will return
May the Holy Spirit descend upon you and your families.
You have not been left as orphans; the Father would never have allowed it. My disciples had me with them, but you, my little children, you have my spirit who enlightens your minds; it is important that you are aware of such grace.
You seem like so many automata wandering aimlessly merely because you do not see me with your eyes, but if you let your spirit free, you will notice that you are never alone.
Seek me, speak to me and listen to me; I speak to each one of you without distinction, I do not have favourites since I offered my life for each of you. You cost me my life and I cannot let any of you be damned.
I charge you, only if you can open your hearts will you allow me to enter. You can never obtain the maximum far from my presence and my graces. The devil deceives you with a thousand wiles of his, but suddenly afterwards he takes away all illusion, leaving you alone and in darkness with no more hope.
I only know how to give you what you need, I alone know your desires and what is best for you. Be humble, acknowledge that you need my graces and my love for you.
You are losing much, too much time in material things, no longer realizing what you are losing. Your earth cries out like a woman in travail, but soon justice will make its way and then if you are ready you will recover all that you have lost.
Justice will triumph, love will be the master and My Mother will finally crush the head of the ancient serpent. My Second Coming will acknowledge her as triumphant, her Immaculate Heart will be: triumph - grace - consolation.
I bless you, little children, be ready, because I will arrive when you least expect it.
Jesus Christ, He who will return.
October 12, 2016
Jesus your Redeemer
Little children, peace to you, in the Garden I was not alone, therefore I was able to withstand the many pains they prepared for me in the Crucifixion. I know that you [sing.] are wondering what this Lenten discourse is about.
Little children, your Lent too has already begun, therefore prepare yourselves to overcome all the temptations and all the suffering that you will have to face. You are not alone in your "garden" that is becoming increasingly harder to face.
If I say this, it is because more and more often you feel inert, of little strength, unprepared for the events that you will be forced to live through.
My Father heard my prayers at the moment of My Passion; so it will be for you, I will never leave you, always count on my help; Satan is strong, do not underestimate him, rely on Me as true children and have faith that everything will take place according to the plans of My Father.
Unfortunately you will have to cross this vale of tears, but for whoever asks me for help and comfort, I, Jesus, will not cause it to be lacking.
I am with you, my Spirit is upon you, and will preserve you from all danger and from every disaster. You are my little remnant, and as yeast serves to make bread, so you will serve to glorify My Father by giving your testimony.
Do not forget that my Mother and your Mother will accompany you on this difficult journey, she will preserve you from all evil and will help you to find the way again in moments of confusion.
Do not be afraid, you will never have to fear, but have the certainty that the Immaculate Heart of your Heavenly Mother will triumph and you, my elect, will triumph together with Her. Always have the courage to testify to the Most Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the rest only being useless idols.
My children, I bless you; take my blessing to your loved ones, above all to the undecided and those who are poor in spirit. Peace - peace - peace.
Jesus your Redeemer
October 19, 2016
Jesus - Way, Truth and Life
Little children, my Spirit is upon you, I want to enrich your hearts so that you are ready to accept all the graces I have in store for you. It is not true that these times are negative, but it is the hearts of my children that are closed to my will.
If you do not understand that you are the ones who decide whether the times are good or less good, nothing will change. You will continue to walk in a dark forest, not seeing where you are putting your feet and above all not seeing the graces that you are losing because you do not accept what I offer you with all my love.
Children of My Cross, you appreciate the trivial things that the world offers you and you are no longer capable of enjoying the good that surrounds you.
I am always with you, but do you feel, hear my calls? How much noise, how much confusion: how can you go on in this way? - lift up your eyes, otherwise you will see nothing but darkness.
I am the Light that lightens your way, but if every day you move further away from my will you will remain blind with no more hope.
See, children, how much suffering you are facing merely because you decide on everything without even consulting me, you only ask to live in comfort, or rather, what you believe is good for you.
You know how to commit to unnecessary things and do not decide to change in your bad habits, your daily disobedience towards my commandments, in giving your children bad examples, in not teaching young people true values, in not respecting and loving your elders, in not accepting the life that I in my infinite love put in your womb.
Behold, now I have sought to remind you what is best for you; if you will accept my advice, the smile will again shine on your faces and peace will be reborn in your hearts. Bear witness to what I am telling you; only thus will you succeed in changing the direction of your destinies.
I bless you, may my Spirit be upon you now and always.
Jesus, the Way, Truth and Life
October 26, 2016
Mary Help of Christians
Little children, peace to you and to all my children of good will. Today let us speak about the place where souls suffer eternally, above all because the presence of God will be denied them. Where is God is not there is no life; that, my children, is the true death, eternal suffering, a place of eternal punishment as none of you can imagine. Speak, children, of this place, do not be afraid and do not listen to those who deny the existence of hell.
I am your Mother and would not speak were I not preoccupied by all the children who, not obeying the laws of God, will go down into this place. The darkness will reign eternally and no one will be able to save these souls who, voluntarily, have renounced the Kingdom of God.
I beg you, my beloved children, speak of hell and of the demons that inhabit it after Lucifer's disobedience; they no longer enjoy the goodness of God and the only thing that makes them happy is making all my children fall into sin, who often unknowingly fall, not to rise again.
I cannot stand it that my children are damned, therefore I am speaking to you about this ultimate, eternal punishment. Satan is destroying everything that gives him the most trouble, the creatures beloved of the Most Holy Trinity.
I pray for these souls, but I need your help, I will uphold you with the graces that my Son offers to you; let us try in every way to take my offspring away from the clutches of the evil one.
Hell, unfortunately, is a place of eternal punishment, the worst that man can imagine; let us unite in [prayer] circles, let us pray together to the Father that He might still have compassion on these disobedient children of mine and free them before the devil makes them his slaves forever.
I bless you, my children, let us always remain united in love, because it will be love that will save the world. Be faithful to the One True God and you will be inhabitants of his Kingdom.
Pray and you will obtain the graces necessary for you.
Mary Help of Christians
November 2, 2016
Mary Queen of Peace
Little children so dear to me, do you believe that My Son is coming soon? I speak to you, and I convey to you the things that will come, but you are ready to accept my word? My Son sends me to you, and do you understand how important this is?
I love you and I will continue to tell you upcoming events in anticipation, do not be unbelieving, but believing. I assure you, and will assure you as long as I will be allowed: do not fear, for I am and will be beside all my children who have opened their hearts to me.
Speaking clearly is truth; I cannot and do not want to sugar the pill but I want to assure you of my presence. I will support you, I will be as close to you as only I can be, but the times to come, unfortunately, are not auspicious.
Then, my children, the earth is rendering and will render to you that with which you have been infiltrating it for a very long time. You will be unable to have what you call organic: the land has been poisoned, you do not ask for it to be purified, those who represent you continue to postpone their own responsibilities.
Little children, you now have both the poison of the body and still worse that of the spirit. My Son in his infinite goodness will allow you a complete purification, he will act for your own good, but to free the body and the spirit there must be suffering and total abandonment to God's will.
Little children, the earth is suffering, the sky is suffering and you still do not understand, you continue not putting into practice the commandments of God and the precepts of the Church.
Little children, begin to draw near in all humility to the One who can take away from you pains that you have obtained for yourselves with your "do it yourself."
I bless [benedico] you since I speak well [bene-dico] of you to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: merit, my children, this interest I have for each of you. Peace - peace - peace.
Mary Queen of Peace.
November 9, 2016
Mary Mother and Spouse
The Holy Spirit is upon you and has consecrated you with His anointing.
My little children, never allow yourselves to miss the anointing of the Spirit. The Father will grant it to you until the end of your days on earth. You are safe, with his presence He will preserve you from every calamity.
Always be subject to his authority: only with the Holy Spirit can you ward off Satan and his evil spirits who are always ready to plunder your souls.
You who believe in the work of the Third Person of the Trinity are in safety. Trusting God is to have power over every kind of demon. Little children, invoke the Holy Spirit whenever you find yourselves in difficulty.
If I say this it is because the Third Person is not sufficiently known and invoked. Your God is infinite love and is thus the Sentinel that preserves every child who calls upon him.
I am with you but if you turn to the Spirit of God you are protected and loved in the most perfect way that exists. Do not be afraid of him who cannot take eternal life away from you. He is doing eveything allowed to him, but soon the moment of arrest will come for him and for all his followers.
Be patient and humble, and you will succeed in moving mountains. Your testimonies are authentic, for it is Jesus who speaks through his word. Be effective tools and the whole world will return to being obedient and grateful for the love the Creator has for his creatures.
Be attentive, perseverant, obedient to the Word of God, and no evil creature will be able to disturb you with its temptations. You are children of a King, the King of Kings, and of his Queen and the Mother of Jesus. I will console you every time that you call on me, I will intervene in every situation, nothing is impossible to God. I love you, I bless you, I console you.
Mary Mother and Spouse
November 16, 2016
Mary your "Friend"
My little children, so dearly beloved, I send you all the angels that form my crown because your loneliness is too great.
Even if you meet so many people along your way, you no longer manage to feel affection, love, understanding, love for your brothers and sisters. You therefore feel lonely even being in contact with many people.
I send you my angels so that they may support you in your midst. You no longer speak to one another, there is no more dialogue, and among brothers and sisters you remain strangers. This is not good, little children, you suffer from loneliness while being together.
My angels will help you in drawing closer to one another, each person needs to give and to receive affection but none of you is taking the first step. I will gather you: remember that friendship must be reborn in each one of you, this feeling will fill you with the joy of living.
Come out from your shells where you feel safe, and give your hand to your neighbor, greet the people you meet; above all, approach those brothers and sisters who suffer in silence because of a family conflict.
Resume the dialogue between adults and young people; your children are still in need of advice, of love, of sharing. In public, too, do not feel like mere "numbers"; every place must regain vitality.
You, my children who animate your parishes, give the first example, identify yourselves as children of a single God, loving and compassionate toward those most in need of affection.
Conquer your loneliness by giving each other all the time necessary to recover the love that is lacking. My little children, you cannot live alone because you were born to live and share all the gifts that the good God generously gives you in abundance.
I love you, consult me and I will make you more sensitive and happier in giving and even more in receiving mutual love. I love you, little children, remember every day to ask the angels of Paradise for help.
May Jesus be your closest friend.
Mary, your "Friend".