✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
November 23, 2016
Little children, you wait anxiously for my messages, you read them, you meditate on them, talk among yourselves and then? I ask you this evening to remain silent in order to assimilate my words and make them yours.
Only by practising what you hear will you satisfy the will of God. I come to you with joy because I obey My Beloved Son; it is he who sends me to you, he wants to take you all to His Father.
I identify myself with the will of the Most Holy Trinity and I want the best for you. I want to find all my children again for eternity. Too many of you stumble along, contenting yourselves with the things of the world, not thinking about tomorrow, questioning the Word of God.
Your spirit is suffering because it remembers its origin, but your flesh looks for satisfaction in the senses, believing that with this it has solved the thirst that comes from within.
Little children, you will never find complete satisfaction in the senses; only the spirit knows and is aware of all your needs. Prayer is your strength, your salvation, the certainty of living in eternity.
Someone may say that they only believe in what they see, but I tell you: if you want to see well, open the eyes of the heart. My Son shows himself to each one of you, but your resistance becomes harder every day.
Allow yourselves to be softened, and abandon yourselves completely to his love. How can you not understand: all the difficulties you are experiencing are the fruits of your disobedience. Everyone tries to have a faith tailor-made for themselves but far from the will of God.
When you will realize that what you need is and will be the love of God, then you will make the qualitative spiritual leap that will fulfill your desire, your life, your true freedom. Do not let yourselves be fooled by easy things; you will only obtain eternal life by satisfying the will of God.
Do not undermine your lives through worldliness.
She who loves you.