✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My dearly beloved little children, never forget that My Son Jesus has taken all your sins upon himself. He has given you the sacrament of baptism to heal the spiritual wound that occurred through the disobedience of your ancestors.
Little children, remember, however, that it is not enough to be baptized in order to return to your Father's house: baptism needs to be respected, especially in monthly confession.
Little children, you sin continually and need forgiveness by means of the hand of the confessor who absolves you in the name of Jesus Crucified.
Be pure, the spirit is that part of you which keeps you alive. But too many of my children are like automata, walking by the force of inertia on a physical level, but being whitewashed sepulchres; they do not enjoy true life, meaning that which is spiritual.
Be true, authentic Christians, give a good example to those who walk in the darkness and let your word fall into uncultivated fields.
I am with you and I never tire of staying by your side. Invoke my help often, for the ancient serpent never tires of tempting you and flattering you in order to make you fall into his perpetual trap.
Be chaste and pure and you will not regret living a life consistent with your works. May the Gospel always be your master; do not let yourselves be misled by other writings that come from man's hands and not from God.
He who gave the whole world its origin and who has made all things from nothing has spoken; all you have to do is to carry out will if you want to remain in the truth and in love. May God be with you, may he forgive all your failings and enrich you every day with His Holy Spirit.
Mary, the true door