✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Mary, the Mother of God is with you. In this Christmas season when you recall, besides the birth of my son, also my Divine Motherhood, I want to be close to each of you. My dear, beloved, obedient children.
Your prayers are my strength. Only with your offerings can I present myself to the Father and make supplications for my children farthest away from God's love.
My little children, perhaps you do not realize yet how indispensable your spiritual aid is; my distant children can shorten the time of their conversion only thanks to you who fill my hands with fragrant offerings to be entrusted into God's hands.
Always be generous in the certitude that what you are offering now will all be returned to you on that blessed day when you will be able to see Jesus in all his splendour. Stay close to me; without your Mother you would be poor little orphans.
I love you and I put good works in your hands, my love spurs you always to act in the best way. If these days along with joys you have also tasted much pain it is certainly not by chance.
Do you know how many young people have become lost in false truths? You may not wish to see it, but thanks to your sufferings some of them can return to their source of hope, of love, of faith in God alone.
Poor young people; they are surrendering to Satan today as never before. Almost no one cares about their sins against the Holy Spirit.
Parents are almost always absent, think only of lining the pockets of their children with money that will be used to replenish them with drugs, cigarettes and not infrequently for paid sex. These, unfortunately, are your children's amusements.
Thank you for your offerings, I alone see all this clearly, give me back you children, entrust them to me, otherwise their eternal perdition will be the worst punishment. I bless you.
Mary, Mother of God.