✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Message to Valeria Copponi, June 21, 2017
Jesus with the Holy Spirit
I inflame your hearts with my Holy Spirit, but who of you listens to my calls? You even doubt my commandments - but how can you do that? Your God is Certainty, you cannot be confused because my advice is advice that only a Father God can give. You believe in so much nonsense, in a thousand lies, in false words and false testimonies and then you raise objections to what comes from heaven, you need copious explanations. You go to magicians and sorcerers, but have you not yet understood that nobody except Me knows your future, your tomorrow? And yet you entrust yourselves to charlatans of all kinds, and there where you really ought to have infinite doubts, you believe without any explanation - there you have no need for clarification. I tell you that the times of My Second coming are approaching very quickly; do not be found unprepared, pray that evil might pass quickly and that finally the Immaculate Heart of My Mother might triumph in my glory, surrounded by all the angels of heaven. But do you not understand that in this world you will never be able to satisfy your spirit? The things of the world are fleeting and they will never give you what you really need - I am referring to peace - if it is not accompanied by forgiveness, to joy if you have not confessed your sins, to eternal life if prayer is not the cause and bearer of conversion. Only then, after conversion, with faith, will you recover peace, joy, true happiness, eternal life. My little children, I bless you by infusing the Spirit of Holiness in your hearts; welcome him and seal your tormented hearts therein.
Jesus with the Holy Spirit.
June 28, 2017
My Loving Heart
Ave Maria! How many times in a day do you greet My Mother? It is she who intercedes for you whenever you invoke her. I cannot deny her anything since she is the "Co-Redemptrix" of all humanity. My angels make a crown for her and she guides them there where your needs become more urgent. You have a heavenly Mother who knows how to and can put Satan in difficulty. Only by invoking her name will you be able to stave off the ancient serpent's temptation. I ask you, however, to entrust her with all your families at this time. She who is the Mother par excellence has the power to drive away the devil away whenever you invoke her name. Dear children, you see every day how your times are increasingly destroying everything that I entrusted to you in assigning the whole universe to you. It is you who, in turning away from the source of living water, are putting to hard testing all the good things that surround you. Little children, your voices are becoming ever weaker, courage abandons you, fear takes over and so your works become poorer, less genuine and less good. Love leaves much to be desired, reason holds sway, and the heart closes more easily to the needs of your brothers and sisters. Open, indeed, open wide your hearts to me so that I may change them, enrich them with my Holy Spirit, and so that you might come out of the darkness and enjoy my Light. I keep you from so many errors, I help you with decisions, I suggest to you only what is best for living a more satisfying life for you and for those around you. May prayer be the sure guide for reaching my Father, who will listen to your requests for a while yet. I urge you not to leave My Sacrifice where you can feed and quench your Spirit.
My Loving Heart.
30 June 2017, Medjugorje
Mary Queen of Peace
Little children, thank you for having responded to my call. It is not you who have chosen to come here, but it is I who have called you. Your prayer is helping many of my children make fruitful discernment in order to choose and distinguish what is good from what is bad. In a world where disobedience and sin abound, only prayer can clarify the ideas of my children who are the farthest from my Son's love. Thank you because you have joyfully chosen this hill to recite the prayer of the holy rosary. I am always with you and defend you against temptations; be strong, for the enemy, his days being numbered, will do everything to make you fall. Use my weapon often, which will defend you against all his attacks. I love you so much: you are my new apostles, ready to defend God's law. Do not despair, but live in the certainty of having the final victory in your hands. I bless you; I am here before you, my smile and my love are for you all.
Mary, Queen of Peace
5 July 2017
Mary, Admirable Mother
My daughter, I again ask you to offer all your suffering to Jesus for your beloved young people. You feel how pain is breaking my heart, and I offer this pain of mine to the Father for all my children. Again I ask you for help - I can only count on a small number of you; be strong, I ask of you perseverance - perseverance - perseverance! Do not leave me alone precisely now that your prayers become indispensable. Your Father has had much patience with his children, but the time has come for you to start opening your ears and above all your hearts. The times are coming to an end, everything will return to its proper place as at the time of creation and humanity, finally free from temptation, will give to God all the love, honor, and glory to the One who created everything from nothing. New Heaven and Earth will be inhabited by all those worthy to be called children of God. You yourselves can see how much filth reigns in so many human hearts; God says "enough"- he will bring back to the original purity all those who after acknowledging their sins will ask for forgiveness from the depths of their hearts. God loves all his children, but not all his children love God. Be patient a little longer and then to everyone will be given to according to their own merits. Eternal punishment will be for those children who reject the love of God. Now that I have made clear to you the situation in which you are living, decide on what side you want to be. Your answer is up to you. I bless you at all times so that Satan would stay far from you; pray incessantly to Jesus who intercedes before His Father. Love those who do not know how to love and you will be rewarded.
Mary, Admirable Mother.
12 July 2017
Mary, Queen and Mother of Priests
May the face of my Son be carved in your hearts. You will then see how important your intimate relationship with Jesus is. I ask you to pray this evening, especially for my beloved consecrated sons. Everyone thinks of judging them, but can each of you really say that you know your parish priest individually? And how many times a day do you pray and intercede for them? My children, you still have not understood how Satan is massacring my priests with his temptations. They are weak men and risk falling like each one of you. Let us also talk about some of my little daughters who appear in my churches dressed, indeed undressed, with certain clothes that are more than scanty, not thinking at all about the scandal they can provoke for certain of my priests, guilty only of being, at such moments, tempted excessively by the ancient serpent. Little children, can you understand that for two thousand years sin against purity has been killing more souls than any other form of disobedience? I urge you to take up prayer more fervently, in order to see to it that so many of your brothers would resume living in chastity. It is not only up to my priests to respect certain commandments, but above all in these last days, it is very important for each one of you to respect your own body. Respect begins precisely with your body that was created for joy, dutiful love, honoring the beginning of the most chaste conception desired by the Creator, remembering the example of the most chaste Joseph, the putative father of my Only-Begotten Son. Do not speak ill of your priests but respect them and love them as they deserve. I bless you.
Mary, Queen and Mother of Priests.
19 July 2017
Mary, She who is Obedience
Never say "I do not want to" - you are not the ones to decide in situations, but remember always that God's Will comes before you. Here, then, that "I do not want to" no longer matters.
Entrust your whole being, your loved ones, your families, your parishes, your dear departed ones, to Him who can do everything, who wants the best for all creation.
Starting today, make this a habit: put all your "doing" in my hands and I will hand your will to my Son who will present it to His Father. Be assured, you will no longer have to worry about your more or less hasty decisions.
You will also have the gift of discernment if you succeed in entrusting yourselves completely to God. Always think that whatever you are experiencing is only by God's will; without Him not even the smallest of creatures would exist.
I advise you, leave behind your thoughts, considering that the light of God opens a new horizon for your life.
"It is not you who chose Me, but I who chose you" - and if you truly believe that you have been chosen, you cannot but blindly trust the One who has created all things from nothing.
You are the most beloved of creatures, so love more the one who is Divine Will. I am with you because I first agreed to do God's will. Never more so than now do you need to put your life in His Holy and adorable hands; your actions will become perfect as your Father is perfect.
My little children, accept my advice and you will see your life changing from today to tomorrow; everything will seem smoother and more acceptable.
I bless you in the divine will of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Mary, She who is obedience.