✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Dear children, you are my joy: where there is prayer, where my Son is praised, where there is unity, there is my joy.
On this day, which anticipates my Son's Passover, be more united than ever, remember how great the love of Jesus is for you; he was scourged, crowned with thorns, crucified for you, for you who, in these difficult times, do nothing but offend and blaspheme His Holy Name.
My little children, let these forty days promote prayer, that prayer which will deliver many of my children from the pains of hell.
I will help you, but you be good evangelizers, not so much with your tongue but with your good works. As your heavenly Mother teaches you, love to the point of giving your life for your brothers and sisters.
Use the greatest gift that Jesus has given you in the best way, otherwise your life will be a real and utter failure. To come to enjoy the resurrection of Jesus you must make a true way of conversion from the heart, living in love, in charity, in fraternity.
Life is that gift that carries within it all human frailty but also the abundant strength of the spirit. Do not live only for the things of the world but enrich your spirit with all the good deeds that you can offer every day to your Father who is in heaven.
Little children, love life, bless and thank the Creator, for after this short earthly journey, you will rejoice forever next to your Mother and in the company of all the saints who have gone before you.
Love even sufferings, only through them can you enrich your baggage that you will present on arrival in heaven. Love life, live it in God's grace, ready to give it back full of good works, receiving the eternal reward.
I bless you my children, in the joy of the anticipation of the resurrection.
Mary Co-Redemptrix