✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I your Lord do not lie, my creation still responds to my orders even if man tries to destroy what I have created. Let man not delude himself, for everything will take place on earth as I have always thought it.
You can do nothing, little children; follow my counsel, obey my laws, I say this to you for your own good since everything will be fulfilled according to my plans.
I have created everything with love and the first thing that my children will have to accept and imitate is love. Do you not understand that everything could be resolved in joy if you would not continue to put limits on my work?
Let man not dare to separate what I join, it is from this that you will have to start again: if the family will be reinstated in my light, everything else will go back to shining once more, to functioning in the best way, to functioning at a sustained pace.
You are getting comfortable, believing that you are enjoying what surrounds you, but this is not the case. Submit yourselves to my will, and then you will enjoy all possible goodness, and this eternally. The earth will never again be able to satisfy your demands if I do not bless it, but only if you ask me.
Lower your heads if you want to recover what is best - I am the Lord and no one else; you can put together all your knowledge but you will no longer get anything from it. You have destroyed what I had created, now it is up to you to ask with humility for the reconstruction of your earth and above all that of your poor souls.
You walk in the dark and still do not realize it, but the day of your surrender is closer than you think. Little children, meditate on my words, pray the Lord of the harvest if you would still have and enjoy a good crop.
I bless you in my Most Holy Trinity.
Your Lord.