✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
May 17, 2017
Mary Mother of the Living
May my joy be with all of you. My little children, you are my joy, you have realized that prayer is joy and life, and without prayer you will never come to rejoice fully. It is Jesus who gives joy, it is He who gave his life out for love, it is love that gives true joy. Little children, you belong to My Son, and that is why peace and peace come to you and bring joy to you. My children, never forget prayer; only enriched by prayer can you face life in joy. Be benevolent among yourselves, but also with all those brothers and sisters who need your smile to be encouraged to move forward in this life that is offering you only sacrifices and sorrows. Your enemy tries at all costs to take away your joy, he tries in every way possible to take away the smile from your lips, but do not fear, as long as you nourish yourselves with prayer, you will feel contented and nothing and no one will be able to grieve you with false worries, false news, false truth. If you always have the strength to abandon all negativity and put the Son of God in the first place in your lives, you have nothing to fear. Be happy, my children, even in the trials of every day; in trials you grow on a spiritual level and have the opportunity to offer to God what will help your brothers and sisters who do not believe, or are less devoted to prayer. Continue to pray and joy will not forsake you and your families. I bless you and multiply the intercessions to My Son for all of you, for all the brothers and sisters for whom you are praying, especially for my consecrated and often not so joyful sons because they are occupied with many worldly tasks. I love you so much.
Mary Mother of the Living.
May 24, 2017
Jesus, He who overcomes the world
Peace to you! I bring you My Mother on a special day*; celebrate it and give Her praise for the love she harbors for you, her children who at this time are giving her pains of all kinds.
I gave her to you through my John, but so many of your brothers disappoint her every day. My Mother is the woman clothed with the sun, She it is who brings you her only Son whom you crucified.
My little children, I have given you the weapon that kills satan; only She most pure, the immaculate one can fight with satan, knowing full well that the final victory will be hers.
I, Jesus, the Son whom the Father wanted to give to all humanity, I invite you to imitate what She did with the Holy Family. The Son of God obeyed in every way, he loved in every way the Woman, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, she who first gave her "yes" to the Word of God.
Here I am, then, to remind you that the one who is "without stain" wants you to be worthy of Her Son. She defends you in temptations, helps you to overcome them, but be faithful and obedient children if you want to travel, together with her, the way leading to my Kingdom.
The most beloved Woman, but also the one most feared by he who is your bitter enemy. Be strong in temptations in the certainty that My Mother will win on all fronts. Do not fear those who can harm you on a human level, since you are already overcomers of the world if you obey her teachings.
I give her to you for a little while yet, then everything will be completed in glory. My children, the weapon of the rosary is the only weapon that will be able to defend you from every attack.
I bless you, in My Mother's maternal embrace you are safe, do not walk away from her.
Jesus, He who overcomes the world
[* feast of Our Lady Help of Christians - translator's note]