✞ Luisa of the Passion of the Tabernacle’
My dear children, my little remnant is and will always remain faithful to the Word of my Son. Be at peace and always behave like children of God. In this time of total apostasy, to speak of the Creator has become blasphemy.
You, though, realize that my Son has let himself be crucified to lead you back to the Father’s dwelling, and now my most beloved children let themselves be misled by sin as if the sacrifice of my Son were not offered for eternal freedom.
My dear children, pray for my consecrated ones who let themselves be confused by the things of the world. I am in great suffering for the whole Church. My children turn their backs on the Church of my Son, that is, to the Church Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman.
Dear children, bear witness that outside the church instituted by my Son, one places himself under Satan. The Gospel speaks clearly, with Christ or against him; there are no alternatives.
I desire that you, my most obedient children, bear witness to the truth in the Most Holy Trinity: the Father of heaven, the Only-Begotten, Crucified, and Risen Son, and the Holy Spirit, infinite Love. Remember that outside the truth, instituted by the Catholic Church, one remains in ignorance of the one faith, the faith as singular as God, the God of your fathers and your God, is Singular.
I will always sustain you and ask Jesus to place within your hearts his word, his truth, the faith. Be always coherent. Do not disown God, because you will find eternal damnation.
I am with you and I protect you. Be with Me. My victory is drawing closer every day. You are mine. I bless you. Keep praying for my consecrated ones and for the conversion of the world.
Mary Immaculate, the Queen