✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My daughter, do you really think that the cenacle belongs to you? See that I’ve shown you for the umpteenth time that it is not yours; my Son is He who is in charge, and we respond.
I call you and you have always responded to my call.
You are more numerous – do you see how beautiful it is to receive what one is not expecting? Let’s start today from here, then. My Son is very happy when one of his children, who is far off and for whom it seems impossible that he turn back, behold, at the last moment every situation is resolved and He [he], happy, responds to the supreme call.
I love you, my children. I am with you and I want to bring all of you to Jesus. The things of the world can wait when God calls you. Prayer quenches every hunger and every thirst. It gives joy to the heart and puts peace where it seems impossible.
Be always united like you are in this moment; close to God one cannot be afraid. It is not for you to decide what to do. Entrust yourselves more to your Creator. Place all of your actions in his hands and you will see how all your worries vanish.
In these dark times, entrust your life to God and walk beside your angel without any fear. You have a Father who thinks about you.
Pray more and, above all, have more faith in his Word. Be afraid only of the work of the ancient serpent who, with his illusions, can bring you to true death, that which is eternal.
Nothing and no one, if you do not want it, can drive you far from the love of God. Never tire of giving witness to the love that the Trinity has for each of you and who for all who has accepted dying on the wood of the Cross in his Second Person.
I love you, I bless you, and I am always ready for each of your needs. Call upon me.
Mary, your Only Mother