✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
My such dearly beloved children, respect for my commandments will be your salvation. You have joked around too much already – now seek to recover what you have lost. You chase after the latest fashions and seek to follow them to the letter in order to be up to the standards of or at least on par with those who count the most.
My children, from now on let your way of following be to recognize the commandments as the only way of life to follow in order to remain on the crest of the wave not just for a period of time, but for all eternity.
I have told you many times that my commandments are “counsels” for being able to merit my Kingdom with the greatest possibility at your last choice. The “yes” or “no” to salvation will be precisely the respect that you will have had toward these ten counsels.
As a father cares about the education of his own children for success in this life, so your Father who is in heaven educates you for ultimate success, that of meriting eternal life.
You shall not have any other god beside Me. All the gods that you often put in pride of place will carry you off the path. Recognize in time that what one should follow absolutely is the will of God.
Let the will of my Father be your guide, your route, your arrival. The world is carrying you ever farther from my ways. Seek to return soon to the will of the Father. Playing for yet more time could turn out negative.
Open the catechism; return, children, study to the depths what you need most to travel along the right way. I bless you. Be true witnesses. Seek to speak to your brethren, tell them that salvation comes only in respect for the commandments.
The Lord Jesus