✞ Love and union between Creator and creature.
And the Word was made flesh and came to dwell among you. Among you, my children, you who have not yet understood what a great gift you have had.
My Son has given you his life. Do you understand this great mystery? For all of you has he let himself be crucified, for each of you, and how are thanking him? By not doing his will.
My children, not this way. Think at least now during the days that precede His coming, think first of all about asking him forgiveness.
Forgiveness for your little faith, forgiveness for all the evil that you, children, are doing to each other, forgiveness for all the blasphemies against His Father, forgiveness for the nature that you are poisoning.
My children, you are living these days as if my Son had not given his life for the sole purpose of opening again for you the door of his Kingdom that, otherwise, after the sin of your first parents, would have remained closed forever.
I implore you, for your salvation, repent of evil and do good. I am with you, but if you do not open to me your hearts I cannot force you. At least in this period, be aware that only from that poor cradle will come to you salvation.
Invoke the Holy Spirit, who makes you understand how from that little Child comes to you indispensable grace. I have always consoled you and amidst uncertainties have helped you, giving you strength and courage. Now I ask you to open to me your heart. Let my Son restore you.
I bless you, I urge you to act only for your good and that of your brethren. Jesus is always ready to forgive.
Mary, Mother of Jesus