✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Your Queen, Help of Christians, is in your midst. My dear children, let prayer every day become your help, your strength, your defense from every evil. I say it again, let it be your defense from every evil.
Satan is reaping souls like never before, and do you know why? Because you, my most beloved children, have chosen to enter through the wide door. He charms you with his flattery and you, poor creatures, fall into his trap like baby mice.
The armor that, up to now, has protected you has been made weak and you are at the mercies of the devil, who profits from you like never before. Dear children, prayer remains your only defense.
Your ancestors were more respectful of the Commandments of God, but do you know the counsels that your Father places at your disposition? No, I tell you, but you still have prayer, the last weapon in your hands.
Recite the Holy Rosary every day without making up excuses, because each of you is master of his own time. Put it first in the morning, as soon as you get up, and you will quickly realize that your days begin the best way possible.
My Son will instantly give you what you ask for with faith. The Holy Mass is your treasure, as yet unknown to most, but if you only knew what a great gift you are losing, you would weep with sorrow.
My Jesus gives himself to you in the Eucharist, but you pretend not to understand, lost in your foolish affairs. I counsel you as the Mother that I am, return to daily Mass, at least in this time of preparation for Easter. Help my Son, who offers himself to the Father for you.
I bless you. Speak to those dear to you, lead them to the prayer par excellence, the Holy Mass.
Mary, Help of Christians