Mary, Lovable Mother

By Valeria Copponi

January 10, 2018

“Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

This, my children, is the simplest aspiration found on the mouths of my children. I always hear you, but how often do you recite prayers with the heart? Your lips try to repeat the words, but I am pleased with the silence of your hearts.

Seek to listen to my words, but then continue to pray only in silence. It is thus that your intimate sentiments reach my most pure heart. Prayer is something spiritual; one cannot measure it on the human level.

I desire that you be united with Me only spiritually, in the silence apart from the things of the world, from the din, from the too-many songs that are made in your churches. Silence is no longer in style; it is an unknown emeritus. Only by recovering the power of the spirit, though, can you recover true prayer.

Refined words are not necessary for our conversations, but rather hearts open to hearing my voice. Be more attentive in the moments that you want to dedicate to prayer. Seek to position yourselves for listening far from the clamor that distracts you and that brings you far from my presence.

I love you, my children, and I seek in every way to facilitate our encounters. One speaks too much and listens little. I am your Mamma and I know your hearts well. Great exertion is not necessary to listen to my voice.

Be more artful: close your eyes and your mouth, and concentrate, so that our encounter be truly on the level of Mother-child. All will then seem easier. Try from now on to listen to my voice from the depths of your hearts, with the certainty that I am always with you.

I bless you. I await the opening of your hearts. I will fill them with my great and tender love.

Mary, Lovable Mother