✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear children, you will soon remember my apostles Peter and Paul; may they be your guides. Martyrdom is considered the true profession of faith. Are you ready to give your life for those whom we love?
Are you ready to give your life for your brethren in my Name? These are extreme times. There no longer exists the true Christian. Faith has become weak. You are little convinced in all that you do, especially when it comes to doing good.
My apostles have borne witness to me with their lives unto the ultimate gift. Behold what it means to be faithful, to give what is dearest, to offer our life, with true, great, and heartfelt love.
Every day, for you, I offer myself on your altars, but how many of you, who attend Holy Mass, really understand what you is happening precisely for you? Yet I continue to offer myself for you, precisely for you, more or less aware of what is happening on that Table, stripped of many appearances.
My dearly beloved children, bear witness, even at the cost of your life, that I, Jesus, am alive and present on all the altars of the world in order not to leave you alone to battle the ancient serpent.
Saints Peter and Paul, call upon them above all in these days, they who did not turn away in the crucial moment in order to demonstrate how much love they had for me, their Jesus.
I invite you to be true apostles in these last and difficult days. Bear witness to me with all of yourselves and you will be among my true witnesses. I bless you and wait for you upon the altar.
Jesus, the Christ, the Only Love