✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear children, I sign you in the Name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Be aware that under this sign you are safe. No one can do you harm. I close access to your hearts, especially to the evil one.
The Father is always favorable to my requests, just as Jesus and the Holy Spirit are. Therefore, my dear children, ask me often to sign you with the sign of the Cross. Jesus loves you and rushes to my calls.
I am for you freedom from temptations, help in every difficult moment. Like every mother worries about her children, I will do, now and always, all that you need during this journey, more difficult and impassable every day.
My children no longer entrust themselves to Me, but seek refuge in worldly temptations. Remember, though, that all that comes from the other one is impure; it always sullies your consciences until it renders them deaf to my words.
Dear children, draw near often to the confessional. My Son awaits you there and through the confessor he comforts you, gives you words for life from my Son. You will be stronger and will succeed in resisting the advances of the demon.
You will understand better when he wants to trick you with false offers. I sign you often with the sign of the Cross. The ancient serpent flees and gives up approaching you, so signed.
It is not simple to resist him; for this reason protect yourselves with the only sign that he fears. I am with you and I will sign you yet more often, but you need ask my help.
I bless you, I defend you, I protect you from the evil one and from his malevolent temptations.
Mary, Help of Christians