✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
My dear children, you speak often of the future but I advise you to live today. Your time flies; your rhythms are not those of heaven. For this reason, live this time as if it were the last.
What would you do if I told you that your time is reaching the end? Therefore, live every moment as if it were the last. Would the earthly invitation attract you so much, doing so much always to have more, running to meet all the goals you have set?
No, dear children, I advise you to dedicate this life of yours to the things of above. There will serve you nothing of what you chased after with passion on this earth, but it will be asked of you, “How much did you love?” What did you do for your brother in his moment of need?
You, man, did you love your wife like Jesus loves his Church? You, consecrated one, did you celebrate Holy Mass thinking about and living the sacrifice of Christ? You, consecrated woman, did you maintain the promises of chastity, humility, and obedience? You, child, did you look after your aged parents?
See, this is what will open for you the kingdom of heaven. If you have satisfied all this, you will be worthy of your God. Not a mention of your earthly goods will be made if you leave aside such preambles.
My dear children, I speak to you with the love of a mother and I desire that my words be of help to you. Walk always on the straight path, repent of your sins, and your hearts will enjoy the eternal prize.
I bless you. Put into practice my recommendations and you will enjoy them already on this earth.
Mary, Co-redemptrix