✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
I in you, you in Me. My dear daughter, you have become poor in spirit only because you do not believe in that which you cannot see with your eyes and touch with your hands.
Dear children, the Holy Spirit dwells in you from your first breath. His breath has given you life and yet many of you struggle to believe in the third Person of the Trinity.
I speak with you often to be able to draw you near. I send my Mother to evangelize you, but how can you enjoy our closeness if so many of my consecrated ones struggle to understand and admit that we visit our beloved children?
Dear children, I ask you warmly, pray today for my consecrated ones, so that they find the strength and the courage to open their hearts and believe that with God all things are possible.
If they truly loved the flock entrusted to them, they would not struggle at all to believe in our coming among you. Pray, I tell you, so that in humility they might recognize the goodness of God in your midst.
I want to count on you. Bear witness without fear and in all sincerity, that our love surrounds your earth and even the remotest corner of it, We Are. Pray that my church not be divided; true love unites. Where there is no union, there is no true love.
I am with you. I have offered all of Myself for your salvation. I want all of you to return, in joy and in eternal life, in order to rejoice, without end, in Trinitarian Love and in the maternal embrace of my Mary and your Mother.
I bless you. Rejoice in my protection. Have faith.
Jesus, Son and God