✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My most Sacred Heart overflows with love for you. But you, my dearest brethren, do you respond to my calls? I have given my life for you, I have believed in you, children of my Father, I have allowed that some of my children crucify me – what else could I have offered?
But you are not aware of my sacrifice and do you know why? Because, my brethren, you have never loved as I and my Mother have tried to teach you.
Wake up from this deep coma into which you have fallen, call upon my second coming from the depths of your heart and I will again shorten your sufferings.
The world that I have redeemed does not recognize me. A few thank me even for the air they breathe, but most of you avoid me as one avoids the evil one. But why do you make friends with the devil, do you not understand that he is destroying you?
Think about how much you must suffer for having offended me with your behavior. You humiliate me with every kind of thing that you do and say. Do not offend any longer my Mother, who still intercedes for you, otherwise the Father will no longer send her to help you.
I plead with you, open your hearts. It is I, the Son of God, who repeats to you again – sin no more. You have trespassed every limit.
I love you and would be ready to offer, once again, my life for you. My mercy has no limits, but my Father will soon act in all of his Justice. Be ready, love one another, and intercede for the brethren who find themselves in this extreme danger.
I bless you, the Second Person of the Trinity is with you.
Jesus, Merciful Love