✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My dear children, if my angels did not guard you day and night, you would be like reeds beaten by the wind. I remain outside the doors of your heart and you are at the mercy of the disobedient angel.
But how is it that you do not understand that without my protection are not even capable of walking? You always try to take my place, but in the end, you pay in person for the damages caused.
Seek conversion, do not waste any more time. The days pass and you remain in total darkness. Return to respecting and carrying out my ways. Recover lost time. Love each other by forgiving offenses received.
Let my passion teach you that only giving one’s life shows true love. I have loved you, but you do not want to understand that you can overcome all the sufferings you are facing by sacrificing your “I”.
Living for one’s neighbor means giving without expecting recompense. Give freely and with joy you will receive from Me your recompense. Loving is usually costly, but only in offering oneself does one receive.
Your times are not favorable. Each of you seeks to ignore the other because of fear of suffering for love. Dear children, I remind you often that true love does not expect its counterpart.
Be more generous and you will obtain all that you desire. Let this Lent bring you to consider that love is self-offering. Offer yourselves spontaneously and you will be repaid abundantly.
The resurrection is my offering to my children who have not skimped on their love toward their brethren. Bless and offer, and my Father will reward you.
Jesus, Dead and Risen