✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
My dear children, your illness is becoming a true epidemic, but how can you influence yourselves in this way? Only unrepeatable epithets are arriving in heaven, to say nothing of blasphemies.
I turn to you, you who understand when I speak. You are true carriers of the Word of my Son. My dear children who do not listen to Jesus but who live only on the material level continue every day to offend the Blessed Trinity.
They cannot understand what great importance conversion of the heart has for them. Holy Mass is no longer seen as true Bread, the only Bread that can feed not only the body but also the most important part of the person.
Your youth, then, run to other surrogates like drugs, gambling, unbridled sex, and other poisons that slowly kill instead of giving them a bit of breath. They know only “having a blast”; from their youth they put the weakest to the test in order to make them perish, above all on the psychological level.
My children, this is not the way to regain joy and serenity, to say nothing of entertainment. When there is suffering they become poor deaf ones. Remember that suffering never comes from God, but your Father sometimes allows it so that it can become the means of conversion of heart.
My dear children, return to being fearful [timorati] of God. Holy fear [timore] does not mean being afraid [paura], but it is a means that helps not to fall into certain temptations.
I will never tire of counseling you; for this reason I tell you to take advantage of holy fear in order to correct your youth. Keep them in every way from falling into hell.
Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted