✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
Peace to you and to your families. My dear children, you do not need to fantasize. The days in which you are living are difficult days, but this does not oblige you to make the Word of God into a fable or a story for people of little faith.
I am with you. I never speak with you on my own, but what I tell you is suggested to me by the clear word of my Son. One should not joke about eternal life. God is the Creator of the world; he has sent his Only-Begotten Son upon earth to free you from the sin of your first parents.
This is not enough. Dear children, you are a stiff-necked people. See, then, the promise of my Jesus, that he will return again to you with his second coming. This must be for you a fertile time. Do not go too quickly; be patient, and above all let hope not lessen with you.
My Son will return among you. Be ready, do not waste the time that still remains for you in vain words, but let your works be for a good example and not a wicked one. Be bringers of peace and of truth, of love and of sharing. In particular, make my coming among you fertile. Even you, become evangelizers, be coherent, let your word always be followed by good and holy works.
Ask, says Jesus, and it will be given to you, but to ask does not mean to suggest to my Son what he must do, but to have trust that what you really need He already knows and, if it will be good for you, you will have it through prayer.
Have faith. If you believe you will have eternal life. All the rest is not important. Earthly life is only a passage. I bless you; have patience and such, such faith.
Mary, Full of Grace