✞ The story of ‘why’.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. My dearest children, the next time you recite this prayer, think well about what you say. Do not glorify the Most Holy Trinity with levity, but do it with all your heart.
During the day, dedicate all that you do to the glory of God. So many of my children mention the name of Jesus only with swearwords. In that moment, then, pray the “Glory be” in reparation!
During the summer months, one has more time to praise the Blessed Trinity. If for you it is a time of rest from work, this means that there remains more time to dedicate to prayer. Perhaps you have never thought about it, but your Father gives you this time to dedicate precisely to the Most Holy Trinity.
Your God thinks about your spiritual health and especially with joy. This therefore is the most propitious moment to dedicate to the praise of the Father who has created you, of the Son who has saved you, of the Holy Spirit who is always with you, even in the least thing you are doing.
Dear children, let joy be in your hearts. If you learn to praise the Most Holy Trinity with all your heart, you will discover that all your life is joy; you will always be just as if on vacation.
Vacation from sin, vacation for loving your neighbor, vacation for assisting those in need of your help, vacation for prayer that satisfies you precisely because it is made in freedom and in joy.
May the Blessed Trinity give you a spiritual vacation for all your life. I bless you, my dear children, your families, the whole world.
Mary, Trinitarian Love