✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
My dearest children, have I not told you that if you pray you will see the glory of God? Yes, dear children, prayer gives you joy of heart, that perfect joy that can only give you your and only your Sole God.
If you are born from his thought it is logical that you cannot find happiness elsewhere, far from Him. Continue to enliven your Cenacle, never tire of praising God for the life that he has given you.
Be perfect like your Father is perfect, assuring yourselves thus eternal life. The days in which you are living on earth are poor in joy and full of ailments but if you live in my love you will find that joy that you cannot find otherwise.
The majority of your brethren do not find joy, even less peace, because that have lost the true meaning of life. You are born to enjoy heaven and your passage on earth must serve for your purification, not for losing your soul through drawing far from the Creator.
My children, pray and adore Him, who can give you peace. The world will disappoint you infinitely if you do not place, in your path, the Creator in first place.
My Mother is sorrowful for these children who have lost the way. I pray you to help her with your prayers, so that she can ensure salvation for all of her beloved children.
Always remember that Satan knows well your hearts and your desires and if you do not react against his temptations he will make you prisoners forever. My children, may my blessing strengthen your defenses every day.
I love you and want you with me. Resist temptations.
Jesus, your Savior