✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Why, my children, do you doubt? Do you not know that only the Trinitarian God is your creator? How many doubts, how many uncertainties are in your hearts; is it so hard to believe in a Creator God?
Dear children, faith is not made up. I have filled your minds and your hearts with my Holy Spirit. Then, it is up to you to multiply love or to disobey the laws of God and frustrate my plans.
Only in love can you realize your belonging to God. My blessings accompany you, my hand guides you, my Spirit fills your life with every joy.
Why is there so much suffering and disobedience in your hearts? You will find no response if you close your heart and your mind to Him who has given you life. The things of the world will never satisfy you if first you do not ask with faith.
Prayer can do more than every other thing. There is no money that can buy your true happiness. Do not be deluded: if you remain far from my laws, you will fail in everything.
Repent of your sins, of your acts of disobedience, and then you can call up and ask for what you need and to have it in abundance, from food to health, joy, true friends, and love.
I invite you once again to do my will. If you continue on the path of disobedience, you will lose all that you need to live in my Word. I love you, but my justice is drawing ever closer. Too many of my children are suffering from the gratuitous evils of their brethren.
Convert and believe in the Gospel; time is pressing. Draw near to the sacrament of reconciliation. Put peace in your hearts and in those of all the human race.
I will employ all my mercy, but all will be accomplished in my justice.
As a good Father, I bless you and forgive you.
Your Father, Who Is in Heaven