✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear children, I will have compassion on you who continue to follow the counsels of my Mother. I pray you to accompany me in the remembrance of my Passion, lived out by me for your one good.
I consecrate you to my pierced Heart and I promise you that I will listen to all your laments precisely in remembrance of my Passion.
Dear children, you will be persecuted like me, derided, dragged through the mud with every kind of accusation, but I tell you: blessed are you if you face all trials as I have taught you, that is, with all possible love.
My Mother has suffered together with Me for you. Call upon her in your moment of need and I assure you that you will not feel alone. Offer me the bitterness of your hearts. In these times you will not rejoice, but you can live them out in function of your freedom from the slavery of the devil.
He knows that, for him, these are the last days and he will take for himself all the time that you, perhaps unwittingly, will give him. Dear children, be my last apostles of peace. Call upon Mary when you are living through difficult moment. She will be close to you in the same way that she was for Me, her Son.
I will preserve from the evil one all those who choose truth and love of God. Never lose hope. Know that my Church will not perish, but unfortunately it must face very hard trials.
I love you. Live this week, in which you remember my Passion, in a simple but coherent way, in prayer and in silence. You know well that after the passion comes the resurrection.
Entrust yourselves to my great love. Do not doubt even when all seems lost because, precisely in those moments you will be freed from evil and will live in true joy. I bless you. Become saints.
Jesus, Crucified