✞ The human will serves as brush for Jesus in order to portray His image in the heart.
My such beloved children, be certain of this: I am your defense. Entrust yourselves to my maternal arms and fear not. You know very well that your action must consist in obedience, in all things, to the will of God.
Let your living be founded on the Word of Jesus, “Yes-yes – no-no.” The rest comes from Satan who more than ever in these times is harvesting victims.
Be always bound to your “Creed.” Do not mix yourselves up in other confessions. The true faith is only that which deals with the blessed Trinity – the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Do not lose yourselves in other faiths.
I, Mary, the woman clothed with the sun, can bring clarity to your minds, since my sun is my Son, crucified for you, Jesus. Dear children, remember, if you get lost you have the possibility of reentering the Holy Flock.
Your priests have the power, through Jesus, of forgiving your offenses and, always through my Son, will your sins be remitted. May the Holy Spirit illuminate you in this steep path, full of obstacles.
I will never leave you, but you, be aware that only by belonging to the holy Church and being obedient to the words of the Gospel will you be saved. Do not choose other roads even if they seem more comfortable to you. Only in God is salvation.
Be courageous. Confront all obstacles in the certainty that Jesus and all his Saints in heaven will be at your side. Do not let yourselves be tricked by the ancient serpent; he is certain perdition.
Pray and have others pray. Let the holy rosary be for you a daily prayer and continue to live in the certitude that you will be forgiven if you ask forgiveness with sincerity.
Mary, Morning Sun