✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
It is I who guide you toward that grotto where, in that humble manger, my Son willed to come among you. Pray to him in these adverse times. Only He can treat your wounds.
He [it is] who from that Cross has given his life for you, for your salvation. I console you in your sufferings but He is the healer. Do not think that life has been easy for us. Welcome sufferings and consign them to my Son, on that Cross.
Only the Cross is salvation. I counsel you, offer your crosses to He who first was immolated. Only a love like his could lead to giving his life in that inhuman way.
My children, adore and glorify Jesus, Son of God, and be aware that that Cross was indescribable sorrow. I love you and bring you to He who blesses every moment of your path.
Make yourselves holy. Offer your sufferings, your little and big sorrows with the certitude that He will change them into graces. Open your hearts. Have no fear. With us you are safe. Do not lose yourselves in the meanderings of the world.
Be always ready for obedience. Jesus wants to pardon and give his Kingdom to all his beloved children. Only those who do not want to hear our calls will lose their life forever.
These are dark times that you are living in, but soon, in each of you, light will shine forth and you will forget all that has been a cause of suffering. We love you and our great love will open the door to true life, that which is eternal.
I bless you, dear children. Make yourselves holy.
Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Yours