✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
I bless you in the name of the Father, of my Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is born for you and for you he continues to pray to the Father, for all of you children, more or less ungrateful.
Look upon him in that manger so small, and yet so great! But do you understand this love, unique and holy? No one can love you more than He, and yet you succeed in avoiding him and even blaspheme him.
My dear children, where you want to arrive, how can you continue to live only to despise the one who is Born, Died, and Risen for your salvation?
I beg you, take care against this kind of behavior, or you must yet face going up against sufferings of every kind. I am near you, but most of you live like automatons, not hearing, not speaking, not capable of loving with the heart.
Make yourselves small. Ask forgiveness for all your innumerable faults. Begin to live by giving and not taking. Be true bearers of all that is good and just. This is what Jesus has taught you from that poor and cold crib.
When there is love, when one lives in truth, when one makes his life holy by consoling, helping, understanding his own neighbor, then he can rejoice for having done all that Jesus has taught with his life.
On the Cross he has offered himself. Dear children, take example because only by giving can you receive. Do not be egotists because whoever lives for himself will be always alone and will taste only bitterness and delusions.
My children, continue to imitate that Child in the manger. Let meekness and love be your companions for life.
Mary, She Who Prays