✞ Love and union between Creator and creature.
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. Whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.
My children, I repeat to you what I told my first disciples: do you believe in this? I assure you eternal life, and not whoever says, “Lord, Lord” will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father.
My dearest children, I am sending you again my Mother, if you would listen to her! She indicates to you the way that leads to my Father and this she does as only a mother knows how.
I repeat it to you, until each of her children understands that only with the love of God will you have life, true life, that which is eternal. My Father is about to employ his justice. You cannot say, “But I did not know, I am not ready, give me another chance”; you will have to answer for your actions.
I warn you, make up your mind for a deep conversion of the heart. I address above all the youth – stop for a moment, make a long examination of conscience, repent of the evil you have done until now and draw near to the Table that will give you the Bread of life. Only then will you be fed and will you find that happiness you have always coveted.
Follow the counsels of my Mother and your Mother, draw close to Her side, speak with her of your problems and then you will understand that only with Her can you resolve them. We love you so much, you are our chosen race and we want you all with us.
Dear children, make up your minds, time is pressing. Procure for yourselves that bread that will feed you eternally. I bless you. My Mother extends her hand upon you. Be obedient. May our love be always with you.
Jesus and Mary