✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Dear children, whatever you do, do it with love and for love. My obedient children are recognized only by this. In this times of worry and bitterness, you and your brethren need sweetness and truth, that truth that always comes from love.
My children, one cannot live for himself or for his own wants and fulfillment. I have taught you with the example that love can be shown and then given only in one way, by giving oneself.
It is not easy to actualize what I am telling you, but precisely for this reason have I given you prayer. I myself have called upon my Father in the moment of suffering. Be imitators of me; never forget my example.
More and more every day do you need love. The fulfillment of the world is fleeting but my love will never pass away. Even for you will it be this way: love, sacrificing yourselves for others; love with the heart, that is, with spiritual love.
Remember, not the one who says, “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father. And his will you know: to love your neighbor as yourself.
Dear children, I tell you even this as well: love yourselves first and then you will be able to love others as yourselves. Respect and obey my Word means to love oneself and to love.
My Mother always brings you “the Word”; make use of it, contemplate it. Make use of it more than your own will. Love – love – love; all the rest doesn’t count. Without love, all would become bitter and useless and impossible.
May my blessing fill your hearts with tender love.
Jesus, Infinite Love