✞ The story of ‘why’.
Dear children, the Second Person of the Trinity is with you. Let prayer always be your strength. The times in which you are living bring only confusion and obscurity. My light will always shine for you. Fear not; it will not be lacking for you even when all is fulfilled.
I love you and cannot leave you to the mercies of the ancient serpent. I pray you to listen with much attention to what my Mother continues to remind you. With her you will always have the certitude of living in my Light. Understand well that when darkness comes, it will not be thus for you. My Blessing will reinforce your spirit and you will be full of truth and personal strength. No one will be able to penetrate your spirit to do you evil.
Continue to behave correctly. Never lose trust in faith because only by not distancing yourselves from the creed of your fathers will you be able to remain steadfast in the trials that you are going to face. You are my children on whom my favor rests. Continue to love your brethren, especially those who do not love you.
Be always attentive not to give bad example. Help those who do not have faith like you, because the demon will try them until the end, until he lead them into the depths of hell. Dear children, if I tell you these things it is so that you not find yourselves unprepared for the time of shadows.
May the Light be always with you and with all those dear to you. Your prayers will bear fruit more than you can imagine. Be always ready to welcome our counsels even if they seem, sometimes, inconceivable. I bless you; be always united in my Name.
Jesus, Trinitarian Son