✞ Signs to know whether the soul is in Grace.
May the Holy Spirit descend upon you, your families, and upon all the cenacles of prayer. You know very well that without the presence of the Spirit, your prayer would not bear its fruit.
My dear children, never tire of calling upon the Spirit, because his strength alone can change your life. Fatigue will leave you to let enter within you his strength, his love and holy fear, his joy, his life.
The times are coming to fulfillment. Be true witnesses of faith, now more than ever does the whole world need my help. What do you think you can do without my support? Man, in himself, would collapse at every dash of his foot.
The power to go forward, amidst suffering and sorrow, you can only find in Me. My help strengthens you, enlivens you, sanctifies you. You know well that my presence is infinite power. None of you could live only by material things.
How often, even in suffering, do you feel serene and happy? And why, instead, enjoying the things of the world, are you never fully satisfied? You are born from the hands of God, and for this resaon you can never live fully far from Him.
Dear children, the Trinity fills you in every moment with true life, gives you counsel, sanctifies you, and totally enlivens you. Do not distance yourselves from your God. You would be like sheep without a shepherd. All the things of the world that you possess will never be enough to full your voids.
I show you the way. Fear not; no one can do you wrong or diminish your faith – I will not allow it.
I bless you, my such beloved children. Be always ready to listen to my voice.
Jesus and the Spirit of God