✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear children, but what is happening to you! My heart bleeds for all your offenses and my Father will not support for much longer this gratuitous wickedness of yours, first among yourselves and then with the blasphemies directed toward heaven.
Just a bit longer and then each of you will have to settle accounts with He who has your life in his hands. Love no longer exists on your earth and, so, all crashes down and dissolves. I love you, but you have arrived at a point of no return.
My Mother weeps for her disobedient children and yet tries everything to save her children, but the justice of God will soon make itself seen and heard by each of you.
Dear children, wake up from this deep sleep and force yourselves to return to being those children who once lived in the love of God. Your earth will no longer receive your abuses and, then, even famine will make itself felt.
Convert before it is too late. Choose life and not eternal death. You lament for a little setback, for a physical pain, for a lack regarding yourselves, but do you not understand that the fire of hell will be forever?
Do you want to choose to suffer pains? It is for you, for your good sense and your daily activity, to choose: hell, eternal suffering, or paradise, salvation, joy, and consolation.
I have offered my life for each of you. Let yourselves be guided by my Word. Listen to the parable that have opened the hearts of your predecessors. Be more aware that what you are choosing in this earthly life will be forever.
Dear children, let my blessing touch your hearts deeply.
Jesus, Your Eternal Savior