✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Dear children, the Immaculate One from the blue roses is with you. My cenacle overflows today with love for me and for Jesus. I am happy because my heart beats for you, for you who keep prayer alive.
Without it, you would not go forward anymore. In these times, you need my Son like never before. Open your mouth and praise my Only Begotten. Pray him always to be near to each of you, especially when you undergo temptation.
Entrust yourselves to him and you will need not fear. I am with you and keep you from every evil. You know that no one more than a Mother can help her own children. I advise you to leave out of your life all that does not conform to the Catholic, apostolic, and Roman Church.
Let it always be your guide and your house. Feel secure because Jesus is your Father*, brother, friend. In Him you can confide your worries and your unease. He will heal your maladies, especially those of the Spirit*.
Entrust to Him above all your families. Remember that every family is a little church. Let children be obedient to parents and may parents let themselves be guided and instructed by their priests.
Let the Church be the house for all of you. Enter often to visit my Son, who waits with love for your visits in order to offer you all that is good and right for your life. I love you and will continue to follow you along this earthly way, full of stumbling blocks.
Fear not, because whoever loves God will have, now and forever, all of his graces. Continue to pray for the Church that is, in this moment, in a state of suffering.
Your God will listen to your supplications. Only He can give you eternal life. I bless you and I protect you.
Mary, Your Mother