✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear children, I will not leave you on your own; my promise is valid now and forever. I lead you; where would my sheep go without a shepherd?
Dear children, I am and will always be with you. Prepare yourselves to live out this Lent with passion, my passion; do not forget it, because it is synonymous with love. I love you and will not leave, even for a moment, my flock.
Pray not to fall into temptation, because the ancient serpent will not abandon you easily. Some of you are not aware of the times in which you are living, but he knows well these times.
He will not let you live out your spirituality serenely. He will seek in every way to lead you on his ways. Pray more and with more feeling. Do not let yourselves be taken by thoughts that do not belong to your God.
Let this period be profitable. Give me your hearts; I will purify them from every beginning of sin. I will lead you by the hand, one by one, where Satan will no longer be able to do anything against you.
Let prayer be always your standard. Do not be ashamed to belong to the Church – Catholic, apostolic, and holy. You will never find me outside my Church.
Let your living always be coherent with your Christian ideals. Love each other as I have loved you. Let yourselves be led by my love, and you will live out even the most difficult days in serenity and joy.
Remember that the cross should be welcomed and carried in the hope that it will lead you to eternal glory. I bless you from the heights of my cross. Let it be your boast of love. Whoever loves cannot be motivated by wicked actions.
Let my blessing be your strength.
Merciful Jesus