✞ Luisa of the Passion of the Tabernacle’
My daughters, I direct to you first my greetings. I thank you because with your sufferings, you have supported me during the ascent to the mount of Calvary.
You understand how strong my suffering has been, my Only Son dead on the cross, the most terrible of deaths. How much bitterness and sorrow in my heart! For this I thank you; your sharing has been for me help and consolation.
The times to come will put your faith to a hard test, but do not fear, because you have been a support to Me. I will be close to you and will console you.
Whoever belongs to God cannot and must not fear. You know very well that this time has had to come. So many times have I made you aware of these events. Now it is your turn to live them out like I myself have announced them to you.
Be the living gospel, my children of light, the new and last apostles of peace. I am with you, now more than ever. Call upon me. I am always here, near each one of you. I will suggest to you how to act when you find yourselves before various obstacles.
My Son loves you; for this reason, he has entrusted you to his Mother. Before trials, one grows in faith or turns back, depending on your choices. Pray, because many of my consecrated ones are turning back.
I count on you, be strong, do not be scandalized in seeing so many of your brothers hide out of fear of suffering. Unfortunately, not all of my children love me like you love me.
I support you, in the certitude that you will not fall into sin and will not turn back when you must be the support for the brethren with the witness of your lives. I bless you from the descent from Calvary.
The Virgin Mother Mary