✞ Love and union between Creator and creature.
I am the Lord your God; you shall not have any other god beside Me.
Behold, my children, in these times of confusion, keep these Words of mine well in your mind. Be consistent with your faith. Do not adore other gods, because all that is of the world is not spiritually adorable.
My Mother, on this feast day, blesses you and promises you her Maternal protection. I want to offer you, once again, my Cross. Embrace it, because only by loving and carrying the cross will you become, to all intents and purposes, my disciples.
It is not suffering that carries your hearts far from Me, but your not accepting the cross.
I recommend to you, my children, that you be always ready to my personal calls. For each one of you I have a plan; if you can respect it and carry it forward, you will be paid with my money. I am with you, fear not, offer me your sufferings. I will make good use of these offerings of yours to save many of your needy brethren.
Your Mother awaits from you your requests. The number of her affectionate children has greatly diminished. It is up to you to be able to convince those dear to you to entrust themselves to the one true Mother.
You see, as on your earth things are precipitating, it is Satan, who, making use of my weakest children, will destroy all your goods. I tell you, my beloved children, be apostles always ready for the spiritual needs of those furthest away.
You know well that, for this, the eternal prize of your God awaits you. I recommend to you, in particular, the children and the youth who are increasingly choosing the wrong roads. Bring back my sheep; your Pastor awaits them with open arms.
I bless you through the hands of my priest. Peace to you.
The Lord of Life