✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
These are difficult times; you are taken by a thousand stories, a thousand religions, a thousand strange thoughts. My dear children, so beloved, why do you forget so easily the faith of your fathers? Do you not know that only one God is worthy of adoration?
Do not be deceived: the gods can do nothing. Only the Second Person of the Trinity, with his Cross, can save you. All the rest is heresy. Do not be deceived, but respond with one sole Yes to He who has been your example from the height of the Cross.
Dear children, it is not easy to walk on the way that leads to Me. The ancient serpent has never worked as hard as now to get my children behind him, but my Mother will soon smash his head.
Equip yourselves with Her weapon. The holy rosary will save many of our children. Remember that it is the most powerful weapon that you have at your disposal in these last, anguished, and difficult times.
My sacrifice that is accomplished every day on your altars is the only way that leads to Me. While it is true that temptations in this world of yours never cease, the helps that lead you to salvation are many.
Dear children, respect my commandments and you will be strong and recognize that my counsels are the only ones to lead you on the path of life, of true life.
On earth you will always lack that perfection that you deceive yourselves into finding with your means but I tell you: make yourselves small, humble and meek of heart and then, finally, you will take the just way that will lead you to my home.
My children, merit eternity and you will have the joy that your hearts have desired from birth. I bless you. Be obedient to my Word.
Jesus, the Christ of God