✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Mary, your Mother and of all of you, is here and blesses this cenacle of prayer.
My dearest children, your prayers still retain a breathable climate. I tell you, continue without delay to unite yourselves in prayer if you wish to breathe on the spiritual level, otherwise the serpent will take your breath and at that point he would no longer give you peace.
My dear children, I am always with you. Otherwise, you would be taken and made his prey. Listen to me: the truth comes before all. Do not seek to justify the one who runs with hare and hunts with the hounds, because this would not be possible. You must decide, for Jesus or for Satan.
Do not beat around the bush. The word of God is One. Respect it, otherwise your life will come to a brutal end. I pray you, remain in the truth. I know for certain that it will not be easy, but in critical moments, think about the crucifixion of my Son and entrust to Him your life. All will be for you more bearable.
I will never leave you. Let this be the certainty that renders your difficulties more bearable. Remember to offer your sacrifices to Jesus. Offer them above all for the suffering Church and be certain of the final Triumph of the Church of my Son.
I love you, my dear children. And a Mother, you know well she offers herself for all her children. It is up to you to choose the most correct way to arrive at eternal life.
I want you all with me. Help each other and you will triumph. I bless you, I defend you, I protect you. Be light for your blind and deaf brethren.
May Jesus be always in your hearts.
Mary, Powerful Mother